The colleges under the Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) i.e. both group of colleges that come under Gautam Buddha Technical University (GBTU) and Mahamaya Technical University (MTU) have been scheduled to re-open on or after 27th of January 2014.
The UPTU Lucknow on its calender has mentioned the reopeing dates as 27th and which is unlikely to change as of now. There has been no circulars regarding change of opening date and so the calender dated are presumed to be th final opening dates.
The UPTU Lucknow on its calender has mentioned the reopeing dates as 27th and which is unlikely to change as of now. There has been no circulars regarding change of opening date and so the calender dated are presumed to be th final opening dates.
Although the dates of the carry over that start from 20th of this month have gone upto 12th of feburary 2014 but seeing the past university action is is assumed that carryover examinations will go hand in hand with the regular classes and university will not entertain any examination at the cost of regular classes. hence the dates of re-opening are likely to be from 27th of Jaunary which would be the date of registration and 28th of january would be the date of commencement of regular classes of the even semester for all the years.
Happy Holidays
Regards Team UPTU Media
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