Monday, December 30, 2013

Uptu Media Selecting Campus Ambassador..!!

Student Ambassador Program

               Uptu Media ambassador program is an opportunity for students to act as a liaisons between UPTU and other colleges. These ambassadors :

  1. Learn about innovative Uptu Media programs & events.
  2. Acts as a link between their respective colleges and UPTU(Uttar Pradesh Technical University).
  3. Gain access to news and events of UPTU as earliest as possible.
  4. Host various events in their colleges on behalf of Uptu Media.
  5. Represent themselves as unique from other students of their colleges.(Two ambassadors per College)
  6. Help Uptu  Media better understand each college culture.

                                  & best part is that they will be a part of Uptu Media Team.

   Who is Eligible ??

  1. Enthusiastic candidates with positive attitude towards work and having potential to represent their college are eligible.
  2. Both male & female candidates can apply.
  3. Selection will be done through first come first serve basis through a telephonic Interview.
  4. Candidates are required to fill the application form with the best of their details possible.

 How to Apply ??

      Step 1 : Interested candidates are required to share the Facebook status update of Uptu Media Ambassador Program on their Facebook wall.

      Step 2 :Candidates are required to fill the application form attached with the given link and submit it online.

Last date of submission is 5th Of January, 14.

Click to Apply Now

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Graph Theory Question Bank

Graph Theory

Graph Theory
Graph  theory is one of the most important subject of the Computer Science engineering and the Information Technology Branch of the UPTU(Uttar Pradesh Technical University). Due to the lots of theorem and proofs it becomes really hard to dijest the concepts of Graph Theory as a whole and students every year suffers a lot form this subject. Hence, we UPTU Media are providing you with some sample papers so that you can understand the subject carefully. Best of luck to all of you for Graph Theory Exam.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Graph Theory previous year papers for uptu students.

Graph  theory is one of the most important subject of the Computer Science engineering and the Information Technology Branch of the UPTU(Uttar Pradesh Technical University). Due to the lots of theorem and proofs it becomes really hard to dijest the concepts of Graph Theory as a whole and students every year suffers a lot form this subject. Hence, we UPTU Media are providing you with some sample papers so that you can understand the subject carefully. Best of luck to all of you for Graph Theory Exam.


Wish you all the best!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

UPTU ODD Semester Exam Pattern

                   ODD semester examinations for the UPTU are going to start from the 21st Of December '13. UPTU which was formerly divided into MTU & GBTU, finally recombined into UPTU and there were many conflicts regarding the exam pattern for the ODD semester examinations and datesheet.

Datesheet was finally released by the UPTU and a notice regarding the pattern of question papers was also released. According to this for the ODD semester examinations, UPTU will follow the GBTU pattern for the B.Tech 3rd and 4th Year and MTU pattern will be followed for the 1st and 2nd Year students .

Here is a sample image of the Question Paper for the 3rd & 4th Year Students.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Revised Examination Centre List for ODD SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS

                               UPTU ODD Semester Examinations are going to start from 21st of December 2013 and again UPTU has changed the examination centres. This is the second time when examination centre list has been changed by the UPTU.

Saturday, December 14, 2013


     ODD semester examinations are going to start by the 21st of Decemeber '13 as per the schedule released by the university. As per the university norms, attendance needed to attend the Semester Examinations are 60%. The attendance is provided by the colleges to the University from the records maintained by them. 

UPTU has released a notice that colleges have to submit the list of detained students(having attendance less than 60%) to the university before 20th December '13. Students having attendance less than 60% will not be issued admit cards on any condition as per the University rules.


Revised ODD Semester Schedule 2013 - 2014

       UPTU ODD semester examination schedule which was released has again been revised by the university on 13th Dec '13 as per the screenshoot given below : 

For the latest UPTU schedule for the ODD semester: Click Here

Friday, December 13, 2013


                    The odd semester examinations of the university have been decided to be scheduled from 21st Dec '13. There were slight modifications in the released schedule from time to time, but the final datesheet was declared on 12th Dec '13.

Today University has published the date for distribution of admit cards for odd semester 2013-2014 Examinations.

UPTU(MTU & GBTU ) admit cards for odd semester exams will be avaliable to the student as per the released  notification. The admit cards will be made avaliable to the Colleges as per the Schedule :

  • 14th December (College Code 1-300)
  • 15th December (College Code 300 above)

Thus the students are advised to get their admit cards after one day to the decided schedule from their respective colleges 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

UPTU (MTU and GBTU) final datesheet for ODD SEMESTER EXAMS 2013-2014 .

UPTU has released the final schedule for odd semesters examinations 2013 - 2014. The tentative schedule was released by the university on 30th Novemeber '13.

According to the final datesheet, odd semester examinations 13-14 for , M.B.A, M.C.A, B.pharma and other courses are going to start from 21st December & 22nd December

UPTU  has also released the final schedule for GBTU, MTU , ODD SEMESTER CARRY OVER PAPERS and also the final list of examination centres.

Here is the link to the final datesheet of GBTU,MTU, CARRY OVER PAPERS AND EXAMINATION CNETER LIST.





Saturday, December 7, 2013

UPTU Exam Centre List


Natural                       UPTU is going to conduct odd semester examination at a large number of Examination Centres in various Cities which include Allahabad, Banda, Bareilly, Etawah, Gonda, Gorakhpur, Jaunpur, Jhansi, Kanpur, Lucknow, Raibareilly, Sultanpur, Varanasi, Ballia, Agra, Ghaziabad, Meerut, Moradabad, Muzaffarnagar, Noida, Saharanpur, Aligarh, G.B.Nagar, Sikohabad and Mathura as the major ones.

The Tentative Examination Centre List has been declared by UPTU. As we know that, GBTU and MTU have merged up into UPTU so many students were expecting a change in the Exam Centre List for this time, But Most of the Exam Centres are same as the previous time.
This time, the total number of examination centres across the state is 152, spread all over, as mentioned in the list. So, if you are looking for UPTU Odd semester examination centre, we suggest you to download the List via following link:



As you all knew that the semester examiantions for, M.B.A, M.C.A, B.Pharma and other courses for session 2013-2014 are going too start from 21st December & 22nd December.

UPTU has provided format for the question papers off the ODD Semester Exmas which are going to start from 21st Decemeber.

1.The Question paper pattern for all the GBTU students will be same as before they were getting by the University.

 2. The question paper pattern for the MTU students are as follows:

 a.)  For the 1st and 2nd Year students question paper will be according to the MTU pattern.

 b.) For 3rd,4th,5th(Architecture students) students will be according to the GBTU pattern.

Click Below to see the new pattern of GBTU

Friday, December 6, 2013



List Of Tentative Centres for Odd Semester Carry Over Examination

The  tentative odd semester examination schedule of Uttar Pradesh Technical University(UPTU) formely known as GBTU is out.The examinations are between 21 December and 13th January 2013.


The Schedule declared is  for Mains(theory) And Carry Over Exams as announced by the university Earlier.The Examination timing for first year and fourth year will be from 2:00 to 5:00 pm while For second and third year, it will be from 9:30 to 11:30 Am.And the External Practical are supposed to fall after the External Examination most probably from the first week of January.


Click here to downlaod the list of Tentative Centres For Odd Semester Carry Over Examinations

Schedule For Carry Over Examination 2013-2014

The  tentative odd semester examination schedule of Uttar Pradesh Technical University(UPTU) formely known as GBTU is out.The examinations are between 21 December and 13th January 2013.


The Schedule declared is  for Mains(theory) And Carry Over Exams as announced by the university Earlier.The Examination timing for first year and fourth year will be from 2:00 to 5:00 pm while For second and third year, it will be from 9:30 to 11:30 Am.And the External Practical are supposed to fall after the External Examination most probably from the first week of January.


Click here to downlaod Schedule for Carry Over Examination

For more updates Visit:

Object Oriented Notes


             Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that represents concepts as "objects" that have data fields (attributes that describe the object) and associated procedures known as methods. Objects, which are usually instances of classes, are used to interact with one another to design applications and computer programs. C++, Objective-C, Smalltalk, Java, C#, Perl, Python and PHP are examples of object-oriented programming languages.


 Notes Of OOT

1. Unit 1

2. Unit 2

3. Unit 3

4. Unit 4

5. Unit 5

Thursday, December 5, 2013

UPTU/MTU Date Sheet For 2013-2014 Odd Semester Examination


Data Structure Previous Year Papers & Programs

Good News: Btech 2nd year CSE and IT students. Here are Previous Year papers and programs of 'Data Structures'.

Share it with your colleagues! we will be posting more content soon. We are here for your Queries.

Friday, October 4, 2013

System Analysis and design 2nd edition

Systems analysis is the study of sets of interacting entities, including computer systems analysis. This field is closely related to requirements analysis or operations research. It is also "an explicit formal inquiry carried out to help someone (referred to as the decision maker) identify a better course of action and make a better decision than he might otherwise have made.



Download System Analysis and Design

Mastering in VB.Net

Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) is an object-oriented computer programming language that can be viewed as an evolution of the classic Visual Basic (VB), implemented on the .NET Framework. Microsoft currently supplies two main editions of IDEs for developing in Visual Basic: Microsoft Visual Studio 2012, which is commercial software and Visual Basic Express Edition 2012, which is free of charge. The command-line compiler, VBC.EXE, is installed as part of the freeware .NET Framework SDK. Mono also includes a command-line VB.NET compiler. The most recent version is VB 2012, which was released on August 15, 2012

download. Mastering in VB.Net


HEllo friends.. This time we have come up with picture puzzles.. Do attempt these and answer thee placement puzzles...

There are five questions given below. Each question shows some type of relations and we have to find similar relationship in the question. The correct answers will be published after getting enough number of Entries. Do solve these puzzles and post your answers below in the comment box.  These puzzles not only prepare you for your Placements but also improvizes your skills. The five questions for today are:


 a)q        b)o     c)d     d)l

 a)file       b)axe      c)hammer    d)screw driver


a)6            b)5           c)3      d)8


Thursday, October 3, 2013


HEllo friends.. This time we have come up with picture puzzles.. Do attempt these and answer thee placement puzzles...

There are five questions given below. Each question shows some type of relations and we have to find similar relationship in the question. The correct answers will be published after getting enough number of Entries. Do solve these puzzles and post your answers below in the comment box.  These puzzles not only prepare you for your Placements but also improvizes your skills. The five questions for today are:



a.)7                            b.)72                           c.)68                 d.)3


a.7           b.72          c.68           d.2


a.68                       b.72                    c.5                                  d.3


a. 68               b.2                 c.76                  d.86


a.34                      b.7                    c.65                                 d.5


Monday, September 30, 2013

Java Programming Handbook

IRCTC Train and Station Code Information

SQL the complete reference

Software Engineering 8th edition

Mcgraw Hill - C- the complete reference

C++ for Dummies 5th edition

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Windows 7 Secrets

windows 7 secrets told you that how to work on windows 7 and how to manage and personalize it.

download windows 7 secrets

Data Structures Notes

 A data structure is a structured set of variables associated with one another in different ways, cooperatively defining components in the system and capable of being operated upon in the program. As stated earlier, the following operations are done on data structures:
  1. Data organisation or clubbing
  2. Accessing technique
  3. Manipulating selections for information.

    download data structure notes


This guide is primarily about TCP/IP network protocols and ethernet network architectures, but also
briefly describes other protocol suites, network architectures, and other significant areas of networking.
This guide is written for all audiences, even those with little or no networking experience. It explains in
simple terms the way networks are put together, and how data packages are sent between networks and
subnets along with how data is routed to the internet.

download net-guide

Important Questions of C Programming

C language tricky good pointers questions answers and explanation operators data types arrays structures questions functions recursion preprocessors, looping, file handling, strings questions switch case if else printf advance c linux objective types mcq faq interview questions and answers with explanation and solution for freshers or beginners 

download C programming questions

IT Encyclopedia

This IT ENCYCLOPEDIA gives to you a lot of knowledge about the IT fields. there are many topic included like as
internet and many more.


C language topics

here c language is divided in the different different topics like as operators,  control statement, input output statement, function, recursion, arrays, structures, pointers etc.

download  working with c

Data Structures and alogrithms using c

This book describes data structures, methods of organizing large amounts of data, and algorithm analysis, the estimation of the running time of algorithms. As computers become faster and faster, the need for programs that can handle large amounts of input becomes more acute. Paradoxically, this requires more careful attention to efficiency, since inefficiencies in programs become most obvious when input sizes are large. By analyzing an algorithm before it is actually coded, students can decide if a particular solution will be feasible. For example, in this text students look at specific problems and see how careful implementations can reduce the time constraint for large amounts of data from 16 years to less than a second. Therefore, no algorithm or data structure is presented without an explanation of its running time. In some cases, minute details that affect the running time of the implementation are explored

downloaded data structures using c 

"Let Us C" by yashwant kanitkar

Considered to be one of the best-selling programming books ever written, the fifth edition has now been edited, revised, and updated. Simplicity and an easy narration style are the hallmarks of the book, which have made its previous four editions immensely successful. Today s C programmer (still the language of choice in science, engineering, game programming and for handheld devices) has to master the complexities of the language and contend with its usage in environments like Windows, Linux, and for the Internet. Let Us C, fifth Edition covers these three aspects of C programming and doesn t assume any programming background. It begins with the basics and steadily builds the pace, so the reader finds it easy to handle more complicated topics later. This popular author has crafted hundreds of excellent programming examples and exercises for every aspect of C programming.

download let us c by yashwant kanitkar

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

                DISCRTE MATHS 

GRAPHS : It is simply a collection of  vertices & edges.It can be represented by G(V,E) where V ={v1,v2,.....,vn} & E={e1,e2,......,en}




Here a graph with Vertices v1,v2,v3,v4 & edges e1,e2,e3,e4,e5 is given.

Imp. terms in graphs:

1.Degree :It is defined as no. of edges connected to a particular vertices.It is defined for vertices in is represented by d(v).




in above graph d(v1)=d(v4)=3 & d(v2)=d(v3)=2

2.Self loop: when starting & end vertex are same then self loop forms.

For self loop d(v)=2.


3. Parallel edges: If there exists more than one edges b/w any two vertices of graph then those edges are said to be parallel edges.

4.Adjacency: When two vertices are connected through a common edge then those vertices are said to be adjacent &this property is called Adjacency.

             TYPES OF GRAPHS 

1.Undirected Graph: In a graph G, the set of vertices are V and the set of edges are e and each edge is associated with unordered pair of vertices V, then this graph is known as Undirected Graph. In other words, we can say that each pair of vertices is connected by a straight line and direction between two vertices are not there. for example, the graph G = (Set of vertices, Set of edges) = ({v1, v2, v3}, {e1, e2, e3}). Since, the graph has three vertices so it is a triangular shape as given figure below.



                         UNDIRECTED GRAPH

2.Directed Graph: A graph is called the Directed Graph if in a graph the set of vertices are V and the set of edges is E, consists the order pairs of elements of V. Generally we can say that each pair of vertices are connected by a straight lines or a direction between both the vertices exist. For example, a graph having the vertices are {v1, v2, v3} and its edges are {e1, e2, e3}). The shape of a graph is a triangular shape. The graph is shown below.

Directed Graph
 Directed Graph
3. Mixed Graph: A mixed graph is the combination of both Directed Graph and Undirected GrapH. A Graph G is knwon as a Mixed Graph if some of the edges in a graph are directed and some are undirected, or we can say that some edges the directions are given and some edges not. For example, a graph with three set of vertices and three edges i.e. G = ({v1, v2, v3}, {e1, e2, e3}) drawn as

Mixed Graph
  Mixed Graph
4.  Null Graph: A graph in which all the verteices are isolated. then it is knwon as a Null graph i.e. a graph has no edges, only vertices called the Null Graph.
Null Graph
 Null Graph

5. Simple and Multiple Graph: A graph, in which there is no self loop graph and no parallel edges, then a graph is called a simple graph and a multi graph is a graph with multiple edges between the same vertices.

Simple Graph     Multiple Graph
 Simple and Multiple Graph
6. Finite and Infinite Graph: If in a graph G, the set of edges and a vertices are finite then the graph is a finite graph else it is a called as a infinite graph.

Finite Graph    Infinite Graph
Graph 1: Finite Graph                          Graph 2: Infinite Graph

 Finite and Infinite Graph
7. Connected and Disconnected Graph: A vertices are (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5) with the edges (e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8).

Dis Connected Graph     Connected Graph